Basler racer raL6144-16gm

General Information

Camera Category Line Scan Camera
Order Number 105995


Line Rate 17 kHz
Pixel Size (H x V) 7 μm x 7 μm
Resolution (H x V) 6144 px x 1 px
Mono/Color Mono
Resolution 6k
Shutter Global Shutter
Sensor DR-6k-7
Sensor Type CMOS
Sensor Vendor Awaiba
Spectrum Visible

Camera Data

Digital Input 3
Digital Output 2
Exposure Control trigger width or timed
Power Supply 12-24 VDC
  • free-run
  • hardware trigger
  • software trigger
Interface GigE
Pixel Bit Depth
  • 12 bits
  • 8 bits


Dark Noise (typical/maximal) 8.2 e¯ (typical)
Dynamic Range (typical/minimal) 69.6 dB (typical)
Quantum Efficiency (typical/minimal) 41.52 % (typical)
Saturation Capacity (typical/minimal) 24.9 ke¯ (typical)
Signal-to-Noise Ratio (typical/minimal) 43.9 dB (typical)


Housing Type Box
Lens Mount
  • C-mount
  • F-mount
  • M42 x 0.75
  • M42 x 1
  • M58 x 0,75
Housing Size (L x W x H) 36 mm x 56 mm x 62 mm
Operating Temperature 0 °C – 50 °C


Basler racerraL6144-16gm

  • 6kResolution

The Basler raL6144-16gm GigE camera with the Awaiba DR-6k-7 CMOS sensor delivers 17 kHz at 6k resolution.



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